You won’t believe your eyes as you watch this video…
Following descriptions from women themselves this portrait artist completed one sketch, then he did a second with descriptions from people she met.
Truly Amazing. If we can’t love (and romance) ourselves, it can be quite challenging to let someone else love and romance us. Go ahead, give it a try. Love yourself. :- )
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Want to brighten YOUR day!
Let these dogs (and a cat) show you how… :- )
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This may be the best approach to a bath we’ve ever seen…
Our dogs certainly don’t approach it this way – they could learn A LOT from this guy!
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JLo’s got a crush on a Dolce & Gabbana boy! :- D Well… she says “IF” she had a crush, she’d pick him….
We think he’s got the *goods*… what do you think? Let us know in the comments and on our Facebook Page here.
A quickie story about David Gandy by the BBC Here’s where you can read more about her crush on Yahoo News… ;- )
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This song made us either well-up or out-right bawl.
There is so much emotion and tenderness, hope and disappointment – matched up with the haunting melody and beautiful vocals it’s a winner.
Enjoy – and grab a tissue, just in case.
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